Previous and Current Projects Implemented by CARD

Project Name Description Funding Start Date End Date
Malawi ER4 Shelter and Recovery Project Funded by Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance which has main component for construction of Transitional Houses and also disaster risk reduction activities. The project is funded to the tune of US$2 million and the started on 1st October, 2022 until June, 2024. 2,000,000.00 Oct, 2022 Jun, 2024
A graduation programme under the Financial Access for Rural Markets (FARMSE) programme Funded by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) in partnership with Christian Aid, apart from graduating ultra-poor households from poverty, the project ensured communities are resilient to impact of climate change. The project is funded to the value of €893,399 and the project implementation period is August 2018-December, 2022. 893,399.00 Aug, 2018 Dec, 2022
Girls get Equal Project in partnership with Plan Malawi With funding from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) whose activities among others include: Empower girls and boys with income generating activities through vocational skills development for their economic reliance and the project is funded to the value of €852,480 with an implementation period that spans from July, 2022 to June 2024. 852,480.00 Jul, 2022 Jun, 2024
Supporting Smallholder Farmers Sand Dam Technology To provide water for domestic use, WASH, and agricultural use in partnership with Sanddams Worldwide Foundation of UK with funding from Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA) with a total value of €397,824. Among the activities the project is promoting tree planting through use of truncheons, natural regeneration and soil and water conservation activities and also Sand dam technology. The project started in 2018 to 2022 for the first phase and second phase spans from 2023 to 2026. 397,284.00 Jan, 2023 Dec, 2026