The projects implemented with financial support from these donors were aimed at achieving community resilience against the impacts of climate change.

Currently, CARD is implementing a project entitled “Community led disaster preparedness and management through scaling and institutionalising local led approaches” and the objective of the project is to increase resilience to reduce the loss of lives, livelihoods and assets as a result of unforesee n disasters, to improve the quality of life.

This project is supported by BMZ and DKH; and the Norwegian Church Aid and Dan Church Aid.

About CARD Malawi

Project experience CARD implements programmes in the three thematic areas;

  • Agriculture, Climate change adaptation.

  • Mitigation and resilience.

  • Environmental management.

  • Disaster risk management.

  • Humanitarian response.

Currently, the organization is working in 11 districts in Malawi namely; Nsanje, Chikwawa, Mulanje, Machinga, Balaka, Phalombe, Zomba, Mchinji, Dowa and Lilongwe across the three thematic areas.

Some donors include: The Scottish Government, Bread for the World, European Union in partnership with Practical Action and also in partnership with Trocaire, Department for International Development (DFID) which is now called Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in partnership with Christian Aid, USAID in partnership with Catholic Relief Services and United Nations Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Our Values

Today is the day to reach out and lend a helping hand

Approaches – CARD uses different approaches in the implementation of projects; CARD uses the existing structures set by government in the implementation of activities, for example CARD uses the civil protection committees (CPCs) on disaster preparedness, early action and emergency response activities and these committees will report to the development committees also set by Government (Area Development Committee, Village Development Committee).

On agriculture activities CARD uses lead farmers and on livestock production, CARD uses the Community Animal Health. In order to reach to these structures CARD works in collaboration with relevant Government stakeholders.

CARD has long experience in disaster risk reduction, early warning systems, early action protocols and also building communities resilience against climate change. CARD has experience also in conducting participatory vulnerability capacity assessments in order to address the real needs of the target beneficiaries.