During a Farmer workshop in Chimwala, Mulanje, the participants learn how to prune biomass mass plants like Gliricidia, Moringa and White Acacia.
Glyceria Chitukwi a project participant in the Kuwala Ultra Poor Graduation Project in Mchinji.
Emma Liwonde a project participant in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the catchment Area of Lake Chilwa.
Emma Liwonde`s garden-a project participant in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the catchment Area of Lake Chilwa.
Emma Liwonde a project participant in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the catchment Area of Lake Chilwa.
Hassan Bakali, participant in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities.
Kamron Bandula project participant, in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the Catchment Area of Lake Chilwa
Emma Liwonde a project participant in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the catchment Area of Lake Chilwa.
John Bendera project participant, in the Community-led Planning and Management for Biodiversity Protection and Resilient Communities in the Catchment Area of Lake Chilwa
Kamron Bandula`s farm