Hope has a new address: Khwalala TA Juma, Mulanje district, as a Cash Transfer Program takes Flight.

On Wednesday 13th September, 2023 in a picturesque setting of Khwalala, TA Juma, Mulanje district a ray of hope emerged as we officially launched the transformative Cash Transfer Program under the banner of the Tropical Cyclone and Recovery project.

This initiative, laser-focused on aiding 2500 households battered by the ravages of tropical storm Freddy, is set to usher in a new era of relief and prosperity. By harnessing the power of cash transfers, the project has set its sights on three critical objectives: vanquishing hunger, combating malnutrition, and championing gender equality in the very heart of the humanitarian crisis.

Here is the game-changing part:  Every participating household will receive a lifeline of K50, 700.00, providing them with the vital resources they need to stand tall once more. Furthermore, each beneficiary will be granted a voucher worth a whopping K75, 000. This golden ticket can be exchanged for 10 kilograms of basal dressing fertilizer, 10 kilograms of top dressing fertilizer, and 5 kilograms of high-quality maize seeds.

In a heartwarming declaration of support CARD`s Programs Manager, Arthur Lichenya, stood before the resilient communities of TA Juma during program`s Launch and made a pledge that’s set to light up their lives.
"Today, I stand before you as a representative of CARD, and I want to assure each and every member of this remarkable community that we are here to ensure your lives not only recover but flourish," said Lichenya, radiating optimism.


Triumph in Winter Cropping: Turning Challenges into Opportunities.

Every year, farmers in the area of Sub T/A Phimbi in Balaka Malawi, grapple with the formidable adversaries of dry spells and floods during the rain-fed season and winter. These challenges often cast a shadow of uncertainty over their agricultural endeavors.

Today, we bring to light the remarkable journey of Poison Bowman, one of the resilient farmers who faced the devastation of last year's dry spell and floods. The memories of his fields being washed away and the subsequent lack of harvest during the rain-fed season still haunt him.

However, a new chapter has begun, and hope has blossomed, thanks to the collaborative efforts of CARD, in partnership with the Quton Seed Company, under the auspices of the Canadian Food Grains Bank (CFGB). Bowman was the fortunate recipient of 1kg of the newly introduced MIM4594 maize seed, a game-changer in his farming experience.
With unwavering determination, Bowman planted this seed and witnessed the impressive results it yielded.

Exciting Progress in Disaster Relief.

In a gesture of unified disaster response coordination, CARD, in collaboration with the Catholic Relief Service (CRS) and the Chikwawa District Council, conducted a collaborative monitoring visit last Thursday in the districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje. These regions hold paramount significance in our mission, as they are the focal points of our dedicated efforts in implementing the Malawi Early Risk Reduction Recovery and Resilience Project. This vital initiative is made possible through generous funding from USAID, facilitated by CRS.

We're overjoyed by the strides we've made so far in providing transitional shelters to vulnerable households affected by the harsh aftermath of Cyclone Ana. Witnessing this progress is both heartwarming and encouraging, as we see firsthand the positive impact on the lives of those who have endured adversity.

But our mission goes beyond shelter provision; we are on a journey to empower local communities. 
Our project aims to bolster the capacity of shelter market actors, equipping them with disaster risk reduction construction techniques and affordable, durable construction materials.


National Launch of the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project.

Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) has unveiled results of its research, shedding light on the numerous challenges faced by people with disabilities during disasters such as floods.

Speaking inside Zodiak's Sunrise Malawi program on Monday, CARD's Executive Director, Melton Luhanga, revealed such groups  are often left out of crucial risk reduction programs, exacerbating their vulnerability in times of crisis. 

Luhanga highlighted a stark reality that many people with disabilities struggle to access early warning information during disasters. This was evident during this year's Cyclone Freddy, which extremely affected persons with disabilities.

As a response to the outcry, a consortium comprised of Christian Blind Mission, with CARD at its helm, alongside the Federation of Disability Organisations of Malawi and the Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA), with funding from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation (BMZ) is set to launch an innovative program. Titled "Enhancing disability inclusive disaster risk reduction capacities and strengthening resilience against climate related disasters," this initiative will kick off on August 29th, 2023, at Ryalls Hotel in Blantyre.

Food and shelter security for those in need.

In a remarkable stride towards enhancing the well-being of Cyclone Freddy-affected households in Mulanje, TA Njema, the Churches Action in Relief and Development, with funding from Christian Aid, has initiated an extensive relief effort under the Post Cyclone Freddy Recovery project.

This unprecedented initiative, unveiled on a sunny Saturday, saw the distribution of essential resources crucial for survival. With unwavering determination, the project is set to combat food and shelter scarcity head-on by providing a lifeline to those affected.

As part of our mission to alleviate the suffering of the affected communities, the initiative distributed an array of vital resources. Maize seed, bean seed, and vegetable seed were handed out to empower families to grow their own sustenance. This empowering gesture is a crucial step towards ensuring food security in the region.