From pigs to prosperity: Aida Ezala's journey of transformation with CARD.

Aida Ezala, a participant in the "Promoting Agro-ecological Transition for Enhanced Resilient Agriculture" project in Dowa, has experienced significant economic and personal growth thanks to the support from CARD.

In September 2023, Aida received two pigs, a boar and a sow, from CARD. By selling the boar, she earned an impressive MK250,000.00. This newfound income allowed her to purchase essential farm inputs, leading to a bountiful harvest of 25 bags of maize.

With the profits from her farming ventures, Aida made several strategic investments. She purchased materials to make bricks for the house she is constructing and paid K35,000.00 for her daughter's school fees at Golong'ozi Secondary School in Dowa.

"I am so excited and grateful, thank you so much, CARD. My life will never be the same." Aida shared 

Exciting Progress at CARD's Technical Meeting in Nchalo, Chikwawa

Chikwawa, Malawi – July 17, 2024 – It is the second day of our technical meeting in Nchalo, Chikwawa, where we reviewing the impressive activities implemented during the last quarter of 2024. Our Programs Manager, Arthur Lichenya, highlighted that CARD is on track with its projects aimed at supporting the people of Malawi, especially those affected by natural and induced disasters.

“We are dedicated to fulfilling our vision and mission at CARD. Our hardworking team is committed to assisting and responding to the needs of Malawians,” Lichenya emphasized.

This quarterly technical meeting has drawn project coordinators from various districts we operate. It began with a field visit on July 16, 2024, and is scheduled to conclude on July 18, 2024.

Rebuilding after the storm: The case of Aisha Twaya.

Machinga, Malawi:  Aisha Twaya, a 25-year-old married woman with one child, resides in Group Village Headman Likhonyowa under Traditional Authority Mchinguza in Machinga district. Like many households in her community, Aisha's main livelihood revolves around cultivating rice in the wetlands along Lake Chilwa.

Aisha vividly remembers March 12th to March 15th, 2023 as the most challenging period of her life. Tropical Cyclone Freddy triggered severe flooding around Lake Chilwa, submerging the adjacent rice fields, including Aisha's own.

Rice farming and vending are my main sources of livelihood," narrates Aisha. "I cultivate the rice and sell it once harvested. After selling the rice, I reinvest the money back into farming. Additionally, I lend money to other farmers, who repay me with bags of rice equivalent to the amount borrowed when they harvest." narrates Aisha

The devastation of the storm stripped Aisha of all her investments, leaving her with nothing. The farmers who had borrowed money from her to repay with bags of rice were equally affected, with some now living in camps. This unforeseen circumstance forced Aisha to come to terms with the loss of all her investments.

Transforming lives through sustainable agriculture: The inspiring journey of Nastanzio Nkhata..

Sitoko Village, Mchinji District - From the serene fields of Sitoko Village in Group Village Mphanga, Traditional Authority Simphasi, emerges a story of hope and transformation. Nastanzio Nkhata, a farmer, has become a beacon of success and resilience, thanks to the continuous support and training provided by Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD).

In 2023, through the initiative, Nastanzio embarked on a journey that changed his life forever. The project, supported by Bread for the World Germany, is part of the Promoting Agroecological Resilient Agriculture (PAET-ERA) project, which aims to foster sustainable farming practices in Mchinji, Dowa, Nsanje and Mulanje.

"I have benefitted immensely from irrigation farming," Nastanzio shares with a smile. "I am now food-sufficient and able to harvest four times a year. My family is healthy, and we no longer worry about hunger." 

Rising from Adversity: Dickson Chingoma's Journey with the Kuwala Ultra-Poor Graduation Project

Dowa, Malawi – Meet Dickson Chingoma, from Bimphi Village, Traditional Authority Chiwere, Dowa district. Dickson, a participant of Kuwala Ultra-Poor Graduation project, has transformed his life and the future of his family through sheer determination and the support of this innovative initiative.

Before joining the project, Dickson's life was fraught with challenges. He relied on casual labor, struggling to provide for his family and pay school fees for his children. Reflecting on those difficult times, Dickson shared, “Life was tough. I could barely make ends meet and paying for my children's education seemed like an insurmountable hurdle.”

Everything changed when Dickson joined the Chigodi Village Savings and Loans (VSL) group, where he managed to save money and secure a K30,000 loan. Investing this loan in a pork business, Dickson’s entrepreneurial spirit paid off. His initial investment has now blossomed into a thriving enterprise with a capital of K600,000.