Previous and current projects implemented by CARD for last 2 years.
1. Malawi ER4 Shelter and Recovery Project funded by Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance which has main component for construction of Transitional Houses and also disaster risk reduction activities. The project is funded to the tune of US$2 million and the started on 1st October, 2022 until June, 2024.
2. A graduation programme under the Financial Access for Rural Markets (FARMSE) programme funded by International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) in partnership with Christian Aid, apart from graduating ultra-poor households from poverty, the project ensured communities are resilient to impact of climate change. The project is funded to the value of €893,399 and the project implementation period is August 2018-December, 2022.
3. Girls get Equal Project in partnership with Plan Malawi with funding from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) whose activities among others include: Empower girls and boys with income generating activities through vocational skills development for their economic reliance and the project is funded to the value of €852,480 with an implementation period that spans from July, 2022 to June 2024.
4. Supporting Smallholder Farmers Sand Dam Technology to provide water for domestic use, WASH, and agricultural use in partnership with Sanddams Worldwide Foundation of UK with funding from Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA) with a total value of €397,824. Among the activities the project is promoting tree planting through use of truncheons, natural regeneration and soil and water conservation activities and also Sand dam technology. The project started in 2018 to 2022 for the first phase and second phase spans from 2023 to 2026.
5. Building climate resilient communities through conservation, effective management of natural resources, and diversified livelihoods, particularly for women, youth, and people with disabilities, surrounding Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve, Kasungu and Lengwe National Parks from 2020-2023 funded by European Union through Trócaire to a tune of €966,873.
6. Climate Challenge Programme Malawi Project – this was funded by the Scottish Government to the tune of £4,700,000 for a consortium of 4 organisation and CARD implemented the project in Machinga district and the activities centred on the food, water, energy nexus.
7. Tropical Storm Freddy Response and Recovery Programme in partnership with Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) with funding from Canadian Food Grains Bank to the tune of US$530,000 for cash transfers for 2500 households and also recovery inputs for 1000 households. 8. Norwegian Church Aid-Dan Church Aid joint Country Programme provided funds for Tropical Cyclone Freddy response in Chikwawa to the tune of US$60,000 for water hygiene and sanitation for prevention of cholera in the camps.
9. Tropical Storm Freddy Response with financial support from Christian Blind Mission for the non-food items and cash transfers targeting households with persons with disabilities to the tune of US$98.845.60 in Nsanje District. The emergency response supported 300 households with cash transfers and WASH and kitchen NFIs.
10. Cyclone Freddy response in Mulanje and Phalombe districts with financial support from START Fund which supported the communities with non-food items and once-off cash transfers and WASH non-food items and Corn soy blend reaching out to 1021 households to the tune of US$56,996.60.
11. Cyclone Freddy response in Chikwawa and Nsanje where the affected households were assisted with WASH NFIS and the temporary shelters using tarpaulins with financial support from BHA USAID in partnership with Catholic Relief Services(CRS)to the tune of US$75,000 reaching out to 100 Households for shelter and 350 for WASH and kitchen NFIs.
12. CARD also prepositioned NFIs in the disaster prone areas in preparation of the Cyclone Freddy which helped to reached out to the affected people with the items within 48 hours through a financial support from CARE Humanitarian Site Fund and the items reached out to 350 households and through CARE, CARD had also a Cyclone Freddy response project in Nsanje with funding from START Fund and the affected households were assisted with shelter kits, WASH kits and kitchen kits reaching out to 2000 households to the tune of US68,890.
13. Enhancing disability inclusive disaster risk reduction capacities and strengthening resilience against climate related disasters in Southern Africa Region. This is a regional project being implemented in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The main outcome of the project is that persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups have strengthened their resilience to droughts floods and cyclones through the adoption and implementation of inclusive disaster risk reduction and climate change-related policies, guidelines and practices by state and non-state actors in the three countries. The project is being funded to the tune of €425,104 with funding from the German Cooperation (BMZ). The project period is running from November, 2022-October, 2026.
14. Cyclone Freddy Emergency Response in the Impacted Southern Region of Malawi. This is the project which responded to the impact of Cyclone Freddy in Nsanje and specifically targeted persons with disabilities with cash transfers and the main objective is to save lives of cyclone Freddy affected household in TA Tengani. The project was funded to the tune of €80,000 with funding from Christian Blind Mission. The period is staring from March, 2023 to August, 2023.
15. Community-led planning and management for biodiversity protection and resilient communities in the catchment areas of lake Chilwa, Malawi. This project is being funded by the Jersey Overseas Aid Foundation (JOA) to the tune of €1,600,000 and the project is being implemented in a consortium of 4 organisations with Trocaire being the consortium lead and the project will run from February, 2023 to May, 2026 and the main objective of the project is “Rural communities living in poverty around Lake Chilwa are more environmentally and economically sustainable and resilient due to rehabilitated, sustainably managed and protected Lake Chilwa Basin.
16. Promoting Agroecological Transition for Enhanced Resilient Agriculture (PAET) with funding from Bread for the World (BftW) is carried out in 4 districts: Mchinji and Dowa in the Central Region, and Mulanje and Nsanje in the Southern Region. With total project funds of up to 941,000 €, the project is directly targeting around 3000 farmers, as well as 50,000 indirectly. The project combines multiple interventions like capacity building, business development with cash transfers, strengthening producer rights and governance of land, establishment of demonstration plots in agroecological farming techniques as well as networking on different political levels as well as advocacy training.